3D Framed Rabbi Art

Jewish Art Store

jewish art Framed Store

3D Framed Rabbi Art This NEW unique 3d art print features the world famous Lubavitcher Rebbe. The modern black frame is accentuated by the sophisticated beige tones and silver floral designs.
Designed by Amos Masel
(Size: 24 x 26
This 3d art print features a painting of HaRav Ovadia Yosef Zatza l, of blessed memory. The modern black frame accentuates the sophisticated beige tones and silver florals of this unique art print.
Designed by Amos Masel
Size: 24 x 26
text: May this home be a place of peace and tranquility. May those who live and visit here know only of blessing and success , health and happiness.

Tags: art, blessings, color_black, color_silver, home-decor, jewish-art, office, over-1, over-100, over-199, over-200, rabbi-art, rmi, theme_modern